17 days . . .
(too old to reply)
2024-02-05 03:08:06 UTC
* george washington's 292nd birthday

* 512 years after amerigo vespucci died

* usenet bids farewell to google groups . . .

countdown timers (and probably sports betting, office pools etc.) are
beginning to appear over google's approaching disjunction from usenet

(using Tor Browser 13.0.9, pacific standard time 00:00-24:00|PT/UT-8) . . .
Google Groups Shutdown
17 days 04 hours ... minutes ... seconds
Time until Thursday, February 22, 2024 (Mountain View time)
[end quote]

guesstimate . . .

22 february 2024 02:14:14 am (074w00:11,40n44:29; jd 2460362.80155)
21 february 2024 11:14:14 pm (122w05:02,37n25:18; jd 2460362.80155)
2024-02-05 13:53:52 UTC
* george washington's 292nd birthday * 512 years after amerigo vespucci died * usenet bids farewell to google groups . . . countdown timers (and probably sports betting, office pools etc.) are beginning to appear over google's approaching disjunction from usenet (using Tor Browser 13.0.9, pacific standard time 00:00-24:00|PT/UT-8) . . . https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20240222T00&p0=1241&msg=Google+Groups+Shutdown&font=slab&csz=1 >Google Groups Shutdown >17 days 04 hours ... minutes ... seconds >Time until Thursday, February 22, 2024 (Mountain View time) [end quote] guesstimate . . . 22 february 2024 02:14:14 am (074w00:11,40n44:29; jd 2460362.80155) 21 february 2024 11:14:14 pm (122w05:02,37n25:18; jd 2460362.80155)
How thoughtful of you to post this.
Donnie can run the countdown timer on his trusty playbook.
no vota democrata

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